

Grid-Command is useful to generate a dynamic grid with a header and data row area.

Headers are passed as a collection of strings and data rows are passed as a collection of Objects or lists.

Command usage

Grid-Command has the following attributes

  • headers - name of a context variable containing a collection of headers

  • data - name of a context variable containing a collection of data

  • props - comma separated list of object properties for each grid row (required only if each grid row is an Object)

  • formatCells - comma-separated list of type-format map cells e.g. formatCells=“Double:E1, Date:F1”

  • headerArea - source xls area for headers

  • bodyArea - source xls area for body

  • lastCell is a common attribute for any command pointing to the last cell of the command area

The data variable can be of the following types

  1. Collection<Collection<Object>> - here each inner collection contains cell values for the corresponding row
  2. Collection<Object> - here each collection item is an object containing the data for the corresponding row. In this case you have to specify props attribute to define which object properties should be used to set the data for a particular cell.

When iterating by a collection of headers Grid-Command puts each header into the context under header key. During iteration by data rows each cell item is put into the context under cell key.

So in Excel template Grid-Command requires only 2 cells - one is for header cell and one is for data row cell. The header cell can be defined as


The data row cell can be defined as


See an example of Grid-Command usage in Dynamic Grid Sample

Transformer Support Note

Please note that Grid-Command is currently supported only in POI transformer so you have to use POI if you are using Grid-Command.