Multiple sheets

You can create sheets at runtime. Just add a jx:each command and use the multisheet attribute. Each item in jx:each represents a sheet.

Given names

jx:each(items="departments", var="dep", multisheet="sheetnames", lastCell="D4")

The items define how many sheets are created at runtime. The names come from a String List that was put to the Context with the var name specified by the multisheet attribute (here: “sheetnames”).

This was implemented by the SheetNameGenerator class used by EachCommand.

Dynamic names

jx:each(items="departments", var="dep", multisheet="", lastCell="D4")

The items define how many sheets are created at runtime. The sheet name comes from the expression defined in the multisheet attribute.

This was implemented by the DynamicSheetNameGenerator class used by EachCommand.

Use PoiContext to get safe and unique sheet names

PoiContext contains a PoiSafeSheetNameBuilder instance. PoiSafeSheetNameBuilder ensures valid and unique sheet names. If there are less sheet names (defined in the multisheet var) than defined sheets (defined in the items attribute) the PoiSafeSheetNameBuilder will create sheet names. An INFO message will be printed to the log if a sheet name was modified.

If you just use Context there will be no SafeSheetNameBuilder by default. If there are not enough sheet names or a sheet name is not valid or not unique an ERROR message will be printed to the log. The sheet won’t be created!


Here are some recipes how to change the sheet name. Always extend PoiSafeSheetNameBuilder and put the instance with the name SafeSheetNameBuilder.CONTEXT_VAR_NAME to the Context.

Change the first serial number

Override the method getFirstSerialNumber.

Change the sheet name layout

Override the method addSerialNumber.

Example: If there are two sheets with the name “data”, the 2nd one will get the name “data(1)”. With the following code you can change it to “data-2”.

    context.putVar(SafeSheetNameBuilder.CONTEXT_VAR_NAME, new PoiSafeSheetNameBuilder() {
        protected int getFirstSerialNumber() {
            return 2;

        protected String addSerialNumber(String text, int serialNumber) {
            return text + "-" + serialNumber;

Add a serial number at begin of each sheet name

Override the method createSafeSheetName, modify the givenSheetName and call the super method.

    context.putVar(SafeSheetNameBuilder.CONTEXT_VAR_NAME, new PoiSafeSheetNameBuilder() {
        public String createSafeSheetName(String givenSheetName, int index) {
            return super.createSafeSheetName((index + 1) + ". " + givenSheetName, index);

Delete template sheet


Use your own CellRefGenerator

If you directly use the [EachCommand](each_command.html) object instead of jx:each you can set your own CellRefGenerator instance and have full control over generating sheet names.

Let’s take a look at an example for multi-sheet output found in Multi sheet demo example.

// create transformer and defining command areas
// creating each command providing custom cell reference generator instance
EachCommand departmentEachCommand = new EachCommand("department", "departments", departmentArea, new SimpleCellRefGenerator());
// define other commands and areas
// adding command to an area, setting up the bean context and transforming the template
xlsArea.addCommand(new AreaRef("Template!A2:F12"), departmentEachCommand);
Context context = new Context();
context.putVar("departments", departments);"Applying at cell Sheet!A1");
xlsArea.applyAt(new CellRef("Sheet!A1"), context);
// finishing the processing

As can be seen we provided an instance of SimpleCellRefGenerator to EachCommand. The code for SimpleCellRefGenerator is very simple. We just have to implement a single method to return a cell reference where to start output a Department data for each iteration.

public class SimpleCellRefGenerator implements CellRefGenerator {
    public CellRef generateCellRef(int index, Context context) {
        return new CellRef("sheet" + index + "!B2");

Our implementation just returns a new sheet reference for each iteration so the first department will go into sheet0!B2, second into sheet1!B2 and so on.