This example shows how to use parameterized formulas in your template. For more information about Jxls formulas check reference Excel Formulas
In this example we will use the same Employee objects as in Output Object Collection guide.
public class Employee { private String name; private int age; private Double payment; private Double bonus; private Date birthDate; private Employee superior; // getters/setters ... }
In this example we will use Jxls POI adapter to generate the report. The Java code is the same as in Excel Formulas example except that we are putting bonus variable into our context.
List<Employee> employees = generateSampleEmployeeData(); try(InputStream is = ParameterizedFormulasDemo.class.getResourceAsStream("param_formulas_template.xls")) { try (OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream("target/param_formulas_output.xls")) { Context context = new Context(); context.putVar("employees", employees); context.putVar("bonus", 0.1); JxlsHelper.getInstance().processTemplateAtCell(is, os, context, "Result!A1"); } }