This sample shows how to output a collection of Java objects into Excel with Jxls.
We will use a list of the following Employee objects to demonstrate how to output an object collection to Excel with Jxls.
public class Employee { private String name; private int age; private Double payment; private Double bonus; private Date birthDate; private Employee superior; // getters/setters ... }
The report template for this example uses Comment markup to define the transformation areas. It looks like this
The Java code uses looks like this
List<Employee> employees = generateSampleEmployeeData(); try(InputStream is = ObjectCollectionDemo.class.getResourceAsStream("object_collection_template.xls")) { try (OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream("target/object_collection_output.xls")) { Context context = new Context(); context.putVar("employees", employees); JxlsHelper.getInstance().processTemplate(is, os, context); } }